Do what you will while you're able

Welcome to my new blog. I declare this shall be a place for the displayification of fotos, rants and other things that cannot be described here and now. My name is Whitney and I am currently at this moment in Santiago, Chile. I just finished working on a documentary project on the Atacama Desert (I am a photojournalism student) and now I am winding down and enjoying a little extra time in the cit-ay. The above photo is of none other than moi in the city of Valparaiso, a beautiful, colorful port town here in Chile that I visited last week.
I have ambitious plans to go out on the town this evening, perhaps for the last time before I climb on an airplane and head homeward to North Carolina. I will stay there for approximately one week before moving to Washington, D.C. where I will intern as a photo editor at and enjoy living in the same city as my boyfriend for the first time ever. We'll see how it goes.
But alas it is time to tear myself away from the screen and prepare for an evening out, wearing my bold new Mac makeup I bought today from a woman who spoke no English (and I speak no Spanish.) Of course, I will have on other things also. Like clothes.
(Below: My friend Alison (left) and I hanging out while watching the sunset in Vina del Mar, an ocean-front town beside of Valparaiso)

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