Wednesday, May 23, 2007

goodbye nc part 2

at mom & jeff's house

goodbye nc

here's some snapped fotos of my graduation (yippee!).

grandpappy & my cousin shannon.

(left) my family is so proud that i went to unc. others are just embarassed of my other relatives.

my sister, amber, and her boyfriend josh

Kat & Ellen at after-grad celebrations.

jen & eliza at dinner

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

nearly there & looking back

about this time a year ago i was prepping for my month and a half long trip to chile, where i worked on atacamastories with some of the most fabulous people i know. it's hard to believe it was that long ago. at that point, i had committed to intern at, so i knew my graduation date would be pushed back from december to the following may. well now it's the following may. and i'm finished with college. graduation is this sunday. it seemed so far away this time last year. and now, of course, the excitement and the fear are converging and i have to wonder - where will i be a year from now? employed, i hope. that's a big one, i suppose. but hopefully surrounded by wonderful people, no matter where i am.
so, here are some photos from chile that i don't know that i've ever posted or shared. i miss you, south america.