Saturday, August 19, 2006

is there anything i can do about anything at all.

today has been a day of sloth. of being unmotivated, nearly immobile and mostly useless. this morning i woke up at 9.30 am after a night of drinking and ridiculous dancing at the black cat in the city. i played wingman with colin earlier in the evening when we met up with a girl he knows at a bar called catina marina, which is situated on the potomac, offering an excellent view of the sunset if you're there at the right time. but the wingman situation did not help his personal situation, so we met up with kat and went to the black cat. she said it would be indie rock dancing. i'm thinking, sounds lame but it's free entry so i'll check it out. before i knew it, i had taken off my heels and i was dancing barefoot to prince and all kinds of other fabulous, funky music. it was suprisingly very fun.
but after i woke up, i sat around until after 12pm, waiting on kat to wake up so i could take her to the metro. i ended up applying for some part time jobs and possibly landing one at ems, so it was not totally unproductive. but the rest of the day was spent on the couch watching more tv than i probably have watched combined in the last year. and now it's 7.30 and i am preparing for another night of .. whatever it will be.
but i did spend some time earlier talking with colin about religion and spirituality and how people need to believe in something but how they miss the point and become stuck on the rules and the miniscule details. and so i am inspired to put my ideas into words, onto a page. so though i don't have time to do it now - i have to pick erin up at the metro in a few minutes - i am writing this here, now so i will remember to do it later.
until then, i will be moving up from the dent i have created in the couch to find fun for the remainder of my day.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

the most important time is now - tomorrow's a projection

Life changes so fast. I can't believe we're already halfway through August. I feel like I say this same thing every month, but it always blows me away.
South America seems so far away from me now, as I live just outside of Washington D.C. in Arlington, Virginia. I have been working as a photo editor intern at for a little over a month now. I really enjoy the work that I do - making photo galleries, editing audio, etc. - though I do go a bit stir crazy from time to time sitting in a dark office 8 hours per day. But luckily, they offered me a follow-up internship when this one ends to work as a shooter. I can do documentary stories with photo and audio and/or learn video. I'm pretty excited about this new opportunity and the fact that I will be able to stay here in the DC area. Though I was a little concerned about the outcome of it all at first, my living situation is working out very well and I've been having a lot of fun.

But it is a little strange to not go back to school this fall. I am taking an online class, so technically I'm still a student this semester, but this is the first semester I have not been sitting in a classroom since I was .. 5? And then I go back in January to finish my last 13 hours of classes and then I'm done for good. Or until I get the itch to go to grad school. Which I do foresee.

I guess I just have to take it by the day. See what happens.

(Top Image: Chilean graffiti in Valparaiso; Bottom Image: Brad and I playing cards in our apartment)